Peyman Abbasi

Department of English Language and Literature, TESOL & Education Technology, Tehran, Iran

  • Mini Review   
    Effects of Cognitive and Metacognitive Strategy for Developing Reading Comprehension Capacity
    Author(s): Peyman Abbasi*

    Reading comprehension ability is potency of students to comprehend meaning of written texts, text details and main ideas. Furthermore, ability of reading comprehension activated learners to communicate with writers. To understand main ideas of written texts, help learners to be aware and to get particular messages from texts. Cognitive and metacognitive knowledge help readers to analyze, to summarize, to judge, and to distinguish main idea of reading texts and also more details about writer viewpoints to predicate and decision making to monitor text contents too. Monolingual students are those groups which must be aware about impacts of metacognitive strategy upon reading development and comprehension through to prepare and emanate bio feedbacks with teachers. Hence, monolingual groups have to be taught more than bilingual ones due to their low proficiency levels and also their weak k.. View more»

    DOI: 10.35248/2475-319X.22.7.206

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