Jessica Powell

Department of Psychology, Manchester Metropolitan University, Manchester, United Kingdom

  • Research Article   
    Secondary Post-Traumatic Growth in Response to Trauma in Forensic Workplaces: Genuine Growth or Cognitive Bias?
    Author(s): Jessica Powell*

    Background: Theories of Secondary Post-Traumatic Growth (SPTG), the positive changes experienced in various life domains by individuals who have experienced secondary trauma, have often focused primarily upon the benefits of facilitating this phenomenon. However, in more contemporary studies, a debate surrounding the legitimacy of this growth has stemmed from a link found between specific cognitive biases and self-reported SPTG. The current study aims to investigate this relationship between SPTG and social desirability bias, positive attention bias, and downward comparison bias. Furthermore, the current study focusses on a population of individuals working in forensic settings, due to the nature of their work being linked with increased likelihood to experience secondary trauma. Method: The study was conducted online using a total .. View more»

    DOI: 10.35248/2475-319X.24.9.320

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