Giuseppe Mele

Sipro s.r.l., Branch of Occupational Medicine via Stimigliano, Rome, Italy

  • Review Article   
    The Practice of Coaching: Origin and Development
    Author(s): Gianfranco Tomei* and Giuseppe Mele

    Coaching is a modern technique for managing and enhancing the individual's internal resources. Through the research of Tart, Csíkszentmihályi, Assagioli and others, Coaching assumes critical depth and finds in Humanistic Psychology the appropriate critical implications. These implications are the foundation of a discipline that brings tradition to compete modernity. Based on moral suasion and the non-verbal communication, Coaching promotes the explosion of individual and spiritual creativity, useful for exceeding goals and achieving success; it also leads to inner invention by discovering new work management methods.. View more»

    DOI: 10.35248/2475-319X.23.8.282

    Abstract HTML PDF