Enqin Zhang

Department of Medicine, UK Academy of Chinese Medicine, United Kingdom

  • Case Report   
    Herbal Prescription for COVID-19
    Author(s): Enqin Zhang*

    The clinical studies from China have proved that the use of herbal medicine has played a significant role in the prevention and treatment of COVID-19. This article aims to introduce the six most effective herbal prescriptions in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) for treating the coronavirus (COVID-19). Each formula has been described in detail including the name, source, indication, ingredients (Chinese Pinyin, English and Latin names), usage and discussion, etc. The first chief formula introduced in this article is the most popular prescription published by The National Health Commission of People’s Republic of China on 3/3 2020 for the treatment and prevention of coronavirus infection and pneumonia; and subsequent formulas are the modified classical herbal prescriptions and my experienced herbal formula I often use in the UK. .. View more»

    DOI: 10.35248/0974-8369.21.13.432

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