Abdulshekur Ahmed

Department of Environmental Biotechnology, Bio and Emerging Technology Institute, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

  • Review   
    Meta-Analysis of Municipal Solid Waste Management Practice on Greenhouse Gas Emissions Frontier
    Author(s): Abdulshekur Ahmed*

    For instance, climate change is the most important, dangerous, and complex global environmental issue to date. It is also thought to be the culprit responsible for some of the recent environmental problems the world is facing today. The most prominent of these are severe flooding in parts of Asia and America, droughts in parts of Africa, and the global food crises which gave rise to civil unrest in many parts of the world. Noticeably rising levels of greenhouse gases in the Earth's atmosphere are causing changes in our climate, and some of these changes can be traced to solid waste. The manufacture, distribution, and use of products as well as management of the resulting waste-all result in greenhouse gas emissions. Waste prevention and recycling are real ways to help mitigate climate change. This review article briefly covers works done to solve the problems of t.. View more»

    DOI: 10.35248/2252-5211.23.13.550

    Abstract HTML PDF