Nand Kishore
Nand Kishore
Chief Vigilance Officer Indian Institute of Technology Bombay.
2008-2011 Head Department of Chemistry, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
I was born in Orissa state of India. After my schooling I did my BS at Govt. College Angul in Orissa in Biology and later obtained Masters Degree in Life Sciences from Sambalpur University. By that time I was quite involved into research activities and later ended up at the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Mumbai, where I worked for my doctoral degree in Biophysical Chemistry in the laboratory of Dr. N. Kishore. My PhD work was on protein folding, protein solvent interaction, protein aggregation beta-amyloid fibril formation. Now I am working as a postdoctoral fellow at Dept. of Biochemistry (UMDNJ/RWJMS) in Dr. Barbara Brodsky’s laboratory.
Research Interest
Bio-thermodynamics, Biophysical Chemistry