Joseph K Karanja

Joseph K Karanja

Department of Zoological Sciences, School of Pure and Applied Sciences, Kenyatta University, P.O BOX 43844-00100, Nairobi, Kenya

Joseph K Karanja is an Holder of PhD, Master and Bachelor degrees in Physics. I have continuously worked in JKUAT for about 20years. I am currently an Ass. Professor in the Department of Physics where I teach undergraduate and postgraduate students various units in physics. In addition, I supervise students in their final year research projects and to date I have successfully supervised more than six eight (68) undergraduates and ten (10) postgraduates students who have successfully graduated. Currently, I am supervising four (4) MSc students. I have already supervised two PhD students, and I am currently supervising two more.
Research Interest
Adiponectin; Adipokines; Inflammation; Obesity; Metabolic abnormalities; Substance use; Lypodystrophy