Jan-Olov Strömberg

  • Case Report
    Hyperdiploidy Tetraploidization and Genomic Instability in Breast Cancer–A Case Report Study
    Author(s): Roland B Sennerstam and Jan-Olov StrömbergRoland B Sennerstam and Jan-Olov Strömberg

    Introduction: Several reports have indicated that tetraploidization is an intermediate step of tumor progression between diploid cells and genomically reorganized aneuploid tumor cells. Tetraploidization is a conserved phenomenon in both plants and animals, which occurs in the human body in reaction to various stress factors.Methods: A breast cancer population was divided into groups according to DNA Index (DI) interval, and three ploidy entities were defined as three different tumor groups: diploid (D-type), tetraploid (T-type) and aneuploid (A-type) tumors. Using a parameter reflecting genomic instability and proliferative activity (Stemline Scatter Index, SSI), we stepwise simulated the ploidy alterations following increase in SSI values. The percentage of each tumor type at each level of accumulated SSI value was estimated and the slopes of .. View More»
    DOI: 10.4172/2157-2518.1000144

    Abstract PDF