
Rate and Equilibrium Constants of O2-Binding and O2 Release: ?The Forward and Reverse Steps for the TState ? RState Change for Human Hb4/BPG, Under Standard Conditions?

Francis Knowles*, Samantha Doyle and Douglas Magde

Three unknown quantities describe the O2-equilibrium binding curve for fractional saturation of human hemoglobin in red blood cells, under standard conditions: Kα, the O2-binding constant of equivalent Tstate α-chains; KΔ, the equilibrium constant for the Tstate → Rstate transition; Kβ, the O2-binding constant of equivalent Rstate β-chains. The model for formulation of the equation of state is a 3-stage ordered sequence of reactions.

Values of Kα, KΔ and Kβ were established by determination of rate constants for the oxygenation reaction and the dithionite-mediated de-oxygenation reaction. The rate law for the forward reaction in the presence of excess O2 yields kα, kΔ, k, and kβ. The rate law yields k, k, kΔ, and k for the dithionite-mediated deoxygenation reaction. Rate constants for binding O2 are pseudo 1st-order. Rate constants for release of O2 are 1st-order. Reactions involving O2: I→II, II→I, III→IV; are 2-step ordered sequences of equivalent subunits: αα, ββ. Progress curves for a 2-step ordered sequence of equivalent chains collapse to a first order reaction. Kα=kα/ k=8.53 × 103 L/mol; Kβ=kβ/k=2.38 × 105 L/mol. Progress curves for both oxygenation and dithionitemediated de-oxygenation reactions return KΔ. KΔ is 0.0580 for the oxygenation reaction and 0.0358 for the dithionite-mediated de-oxygenation reaction. The corresponding values from the O2-equilibrium binding curve are: Kα=15.09 × 103 l/mol; Kβ=3.94 × 105 L/mol: KΔ=0.02602. Values of Kα, KΔ, and Kβ determined from rate constants of progress curves for oxygenation and dithionite-mediated de-oxygenation reactions are close to values determined by fitting of the O2-equilibrium binding curve for whole blood, under standard conditions, to the Perutz/Adair equation. Data for the dithionite mediated de-oxygenation reaction may be most reliable insofar as errors in knowledge of the concentration of di-oxygen do not enter into consideration.

Keypoints points

• The manuscript examines rate equations based on the model expressed by the Perutz/Adair equation

• Rate equations are presented for: (i) the reaction of DHb4/BPG with O2 and (ii) the reaction of (HbO2)4/ BPG with dithionite.

• Rate constants obtained from progress curves for these reactions can be used to predict equilibrium constants defining Kα, Kβ and KΔ. These results confirm the values for Kα, Kβ and KΔ obtained by fitting O2-equilibrium binding data for whole blood, under standard conditions, to the Perutz/Adair equation.

Published Date: 2023-08-22; Received Date: 2023-07-20