
Iraq's Public Administrative Issues: Corruption.

Cosmina Ioana Craciunescu

Iraq has been deeply affected by corruption, particularly during the years of wars that left a heavy imprint on the country, at all levels of social functionality, including the public administrative system. Corruption is deeply rooted in Iraq, as it seemed to gain proportions with the coming of the Islamic State to power. The topic was chosen particularly because the issue of corruption represents a very important subject, also being a social phenomenon that affects the administration along with the society of Iraq. Moreover, with the coming of the Islamic State to power, corruption reached its peaks, as the organization gradually destroyed the administrative system. Along with the fall of Saddam Hussein’s regime, Iraq suffered from the outcomes of the disastruous management at the level of government. Because of the lack of resources, along with the unequal distribution of goods among the people, corruption spread just as a malignant disease in the country. This eventually had a great impact on the proper functionality of the public system, as the people were left behind, and no effort was put in to bring about the changes needed by the population. Although several efforts were made by organizations in order to find solutions to the problems related to corruption, little has been done at this time. Iraq is still struggling to reach a stable line, and it will prove extremely difficult for the outside parties to address the most pressing issues of the country.