
Functional Assessment of Elderly in Pune, India-Preliminary Study

Jayshree Dawane

Introduction: India is experiencing graying of population very rapidly over the last decades. Pune, Known as "Retired Peoples Paradise" is attracting elderly people to settle here due to better Quality of Life (QOL).Though many retired Persons stay in Pune, not many facilities are available to cater to their needs like care and rehabilitation. To develop any meaningful services for the elderly, it is essential to understand their needs. For this purpose, present study was undertaken to assess the functional status of the elderly in terms of their physical and mental health.

Materials & Methods: 100 elderly individuals above the age of 65 were included in this study. A sample of 25 was collected from each quadrant of Pune city in random fashion a computer friendly proforma was prepared by using established standard formats. The proforma included demographic details, basic functional assessment, Activities of Daily living (ADL) and Mini Mental Status Examination (MMSE) (Folstein et al.). Assessment was done by the trained personnel. All the information was analyzed using SPSS.

Results: In the basic functional assessment "feeling of depression", seen in 49% individual was the main significant finding. ADL score and MMSE score was reduced in 81% & 16% subjects respectively .Interrelation amongst this variable was studied. Correlation was studied between age, sex, financial dependence and education with depression, ADL score and MMSE.