Current and prospection of Covid-19 pandemic


Covid-19, a coronavirus pandemic initially developed in the city of Wuhan, had spread to almost every corner of the earth. As the end of March 2020, more than 500,000 confirmed cases and 25,000+ death have been reported globally. It is not the first time for the family of coronavirus to induce global concerns to our modern world. Examples includes for not limited to the 2003 SARS and 2012 MERS. It is critical to investigate and review the fundamental and the clinical knowledge of such virus. Hopefully, the knowledge provided from basic research and clinical will shed potential therapeutic strategies and recover more lives under the shadow of such pandemic.

Biology and Medicine plans to publish this Special Issue with the hope of spreading the knowledge and pioneering work shared in this Issue can shed light on future directions of CoV research. All manuscripts accepted from this Call for Papers will be included in a unique online article collection, further highlighting this important topic. The Special Themed Issue includes all types of articles related to the topic.

Editorial Team

• Dr. Zhenda Shi, Division of Viral Diseases, United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, USA

• Dr. Zhan Zhang, School of Medicine, Emory University Secret Path, Room 3012, Atlanta, GA

• Dr. Jun Zou, The Center for Inflammation, Immunity, and Infection, Georgia State University Atlanta

Paper Submission

Submitted articles must not have been previously published or currently submitted for journal publication elsewhere. To submit your paper, please visit the Biology and Medicine online submission page:

Submission should be accompanied by a cover letter with reference to the concerned special issue theme. Accepted manuscripts submitted before the deadline will be published within the given timeframe for the respective journal publication. Once accepted and published, all special issues will be released under an open access system through Longdom International and will be freely available for reading, downloading, and printing.

For further information, please feel free to contact the editorial office at: