Pejcic Ana

Pejcic Ana

Pejcic Ana
Аssistant Professor, Меdical Faculty
University of NIS


Ana Pejcic was born in Nis, where she attended and finished her primary and secondary school. She enrolled Medical Faculty in Nis (Department of Dentistry) in 1993. She graduated faculty in 2000. She started her volunteering specialization in 2001, which she successfully completed in 2004 at the Medical Faculty in Nis. She also enrolled Master studies at the same faculty in 2000/2001 in the subject Periodontology and Oral Medicine and after successful defended her master thesis she acquired her degree of a Master of Science in Periodontology and Oral Medicine in 2005. Her PhD thesis entitled „The effects of periodontal therapy on inflammatory markers in patients with and without acute coronary syndrome“ she successfully defended in 2012. She was employed at the Faculty of Medicine from 2001 as „a research assistant“ at the Department of Periodontology and Oral Medicine. In 2006 she restarted working as teaching assistant at the same department. In 2013 she started to work as Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Medicine in Nis. She is the author and co-author of more than 70 papers which have been presented at numerous conferences and published in national and international journals. Apart from many seminars, she has also often been invited as a lecturer during her continual education. In addition to being a member of Periodontology and Oral Medicine Section in Serbian Medical Society as well as Intersectional Society for laser application in dentistry, she is also a reviewer in leading international journals (Archives of Oral Biology; Environmental Engineering and Management Journal; Photomedicine and Laser Surgery; Clinical, Cosmetic and Investigational Dentistry; International Journal of Women's Health; International Medical Case Reports Journal; Journal of Inflammation Research; Nigerian Journal of Clinical Practice; North American Journal of Medical Science). She is a member of the Editorial Board of Journal of Biosensors and Bioelectronics – OMICS Publishing Group, and of Journal of Preventive medicine. Apart from many seminars, she has also often been invited as a lecturer during her continual education. Moreover, she takes part in a European Union project entitled „Medical Research Initiative of South Eastern Europe“ with lectures in Maribor (Slovenia) and Zagreb (Croatia), and in European Association of Research project entitled “PERIODONTAL HEALTH RELATED QUALITY OF LIFE SCALE”.

Research Interest

Periodontology, Oral medicine, Oral pathology, Periodontal surgery, Low level laser therapy in the dentistry, Endo-periodontal lesions, Perio-orthodontic association