Women’s bodily discontent: A holistic therapeutic approach
28th International Conference on Psychiatry & Psychology Health
May 06-07, 2019 | Amsterdam, Netherlands

Katy Eleanor Addinall

Sol Plaatje University, South Africa

Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Psychiatry


The women’s bodily discontent is a widespread problem and it is present in all age groups, on every socio-economic level, in all occupations, all cultures and religions. Bodily discontent is a broad term that is used to vary from normal discontent of a woman about one or more of her physical attributes to extreme negative causes, for example an eating disorder. Women that are dissatisfied with their bodies were examined and an empirical qualitative study was done to evaluate the women’s thoughts, feelings, causes and effects regarding their bodies. A comprehensive literature study was done to verify the results already found. Social science literature was used to determine the ethology of bodily discontent, which confirmed that it is multifactorial. A variety of therapeutic aids were studied and cognitive behavioral therapy appears to be the most effective for the women that are dissatisfied with their body image. Every woman is an individual with an individual body image and must be approached as individual holistic beings. Thus, a holistic pragmatic model was developed as a possible aid in the woman’s healing process.

Biography :

Katy Eleanor Addinall has completed her PhD from the North West University, South Africa. She is currently working as a Lecturer in Psychology at the Sol Plaatje University in the Northern Cape, South Africa.

E-mail: Eleanor.Addinall@spu.ac.za