Treatment and Rehabilitation Personalization for alcohol dependence syndrome
Annual World Congress on Psychiatry
July 19, 2021 | Webinar

Andrey Paramonov

Northern Sytate Medical University, Russia

Scientific Tracks Abstracts: JOP


Personalized medicine is an approach in which decision-making in relation to a patient is based on the results of his unique clinical, genetic, genomic and environmental characteristics. Personalized treatment for alcohol dependence syndrome (ADS) is one of the main clinical principles for improving the treatment effectiveness. To unify this approach, the doctor uses the international classifications diagnostic criteria. The purpose is to describe the main international classifications domains that should be taken into account when trying to personalize treatment ADS. We have analyzed four major modern classifications - ICD-10, ICD-11, DSM-V, ICF. The available descriptive data are summarized for each ADS domain characteristic and the assessment tools are considered with special attention to their suitability for use in routine clinical practice. So far, there are no convincing biomarkers for ADS; they can only confirm or refute the assumptions about alcohol abuse. The different classifications analysis has shown that diagnostic approaches should be based on a comprehensive many factors analysis, including specific symptoms, severity and disease stage, course type, functional status, neurocognitive functioning, comorbid mental and somatic pathology, exposure to adverse factors in childhood, dysfunctional personal characteristics and environmental stress factors. In addition, the clinical and diagnostic assessment importance is emphasized, based on quantitative indicators obtained using reliable and convenient psychometric tools in practice. The analysis is carried out and all the components of the ADS are considered from the various classifications’ point of view. The treatment and rehabilitation quality depends on the ability to comprehensively "see" and analyze the necessary problems and find the right solutions from medical and social positions.

Biography :

Andrey Paramonov - MD, graduated from Northern State Medical University, Arkhangelsk, Russia. Doctor of the Arkhangelsk Regional Psychiatric Hospital; lecturer of the Department of Psychiatry and Clinical Psychology, Northern State Medical University Research interests: Clinical & Social Addictology.