Topical use of phenytoin for wound healing: A case report
3rd International Conference and Exhibition on Pharmacovigilance & Clinical Trials
October 27-29, 2014 Hyderabad International Convention Centre, India

Tejaswini G

Posters: J Pharmacovigilance


Phenytoin is one of the widely used drugs for the treatment of convulsive disorders which also has a side effect of gingival hyperplasia. This apparent stimulatory effect has promoted its assessment in wound healing. Studies have shown that topical use of phenytoin promotes healing of decubitus ulcers, venous stasis ulcers, diabetic ulcers, traumatic wounds and leprosy trophic ulcers. The mechanism of action is postulated to be multifactorial. The present case report illustrates phenytoin induced tissue growth in a 56 year old male patient with Necrotizing Fasciitis of left lower limb with uncontrolled Type II Diabetes mellitus. Ampoules containing phenytoin for IV use was applied on to the debridemented wound after performing fasciotomy. Phenytoin was applied daily and tissue growth was observed on the 3rd day of phenytoin administration. After 40 days of daily phenytoin application complete tissue growth was observed and skin grafting was performed.

Biography :

Tejaswini G is doing her PharmD Internship in JSS College of Pharmacy, Mysore, affiliated to JSS University, Karnataka.