The main reservoir of viruses hidden in carriers is the intestinal tract, where vaccines do not work
4th International Conference on Vaccine Research
February 09, 2024 | Webinar

Vladimir Zajac

Former researcher at the Cancer Research Institute, Slovakia

Scientific Tracks Abstracts: Journal of Vaccines & Vaccination


All viruses are parasites. They cannot exist by themselves and fully depend on their carriers. This is the basic condition of their existence. After all, a parasite must have its host, a living cell. It is generally claimed that a virus can exist for as little as 2-5 seconds during which it spreads to another species. But this goes against the basic dogma that a virus cannot exist without a living cell. What living cell carries viruses? We have been looking for an answer to that question for over 30 years working with bovine leukemia virus (BLV) and consequently HIV model too, was confirmed that bacteria and yeast of the intestinal tract could be the host of the virus. Evidence was confirmed at the DNA level and protein level as well. According to our results, the main reservoir of HIV located in viral carriers is in the gastrointestinal tract. This is the reason why so far there is no vaccine that would completely rid the infected person of the virus, because no vaccine in the gut and respiratory tract has an effect on HIV hidden in the carrier. A virus, just like a parasite, is not a full-fledged biological form and thus hard to fight. Its main weakness is that it is hosted by bacteria or yeast. Bacteria and yeasts are a complete biological form and they can be eliminated. By destroying microbes carrying a virus, the virus ceases to exist. Thus, many viral infections can by stopped.

Biography :

Vladimir Zajac has completed his PhD. in 1982 at the Cancer Research Institute of Slovak Academy of Sciences in Bratislava (Slovakia), where he worked as the Head of Department of Cancer Genetics from 1996 to 2010. He joined the Medical Faculty of the Comenius University as Associate Professor of Genetics in 2007. He has published 74 papers mostly in reputed journals and he was editor of the book „Bacteria, viruses and parasites in AIDS process“ (In Tech, 2011).