The importance of educating hearing impaired persons for their first hearing test
9th International Conference on Otology, Rhinology and Laryngology
November 10, 2023 | Webinar

Jeffrey Szmanda

Each Ear, LLC USA

Accepted Abstracts: J Allergy Ther


Three market dynamics are challenging hearing healthcare clinics: 1. with the introduction of OTC hearing aids, clinics are realizing the need to differentiate their products and services. 2. Stigmas associated with hearing aids persist as barriers hindering hearing aid and hearing healthcare adoption. 3. Prospective patients are too often afraid of being “sold”. Hearing healthcare clinics need to develop effective, yet cost-effective, strategies for informing and educating prospective patients, their family members, and caregivers on the value of their services. Simply by including a reference to preparatory information (pre-education), when scheduling first hearing test appointments, clinics can alleviate both fear of the unknown and stigmas associated with hearing aids for prospective hearing aid users, family members, and caregivers. Well-presented, appropriate, easy-to-understand, and unbiased information creates interest in their own hearing and hearing test, and therefore, fosters a more engaging, richer test experience. This learning module addresses the importance of hearing test preparation and details specific topics, techniques, and strategies for implementation that create significant consumer appreciation for quality hearing healthcare. It also discusses the level of simplicity and comprehensibility in which this educational material should be presented. The session, via interactive participation, will demonstrate the feeling of “partnership” derived from both pre-education and patient-engagement pertaining to that pre-education. Having personally experienced the positive perspective and feeling of “partnership”, attendees will understand: 1. How their clinic will be perceived as advanced, differentiated, caring, and trusted. 2. How hearing test preparation will result in more effective hearing evaluations with increased third-party attendance, success rates, word-ofmouth referrals, and testimonials.