The Effectiveness of the acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) on cognitive emotion regulation and alexithymia in the people with obsessive-compulsive disorder
International Conference on Psychiatric & Geriatrics Nursing and Stroke
November 19-20, 2018 | Paris, France

Azadeh Niroomand

Payame Noor University, Iran

Posters & Accepted Abstracts: J Psychiatry


Background & Objective: Reoccurring, disruptive and uncontrollable thoughts and repetitive actions are some troubling features of people with obsessive compulsive disorder. The present study has been done to investigate the effectiveness of the acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) on cognitive emotion regulation and alexithymia in the people with OCD. Materials & Procedures: The method of this study was a semi-experimental pretest-posttest plan with a control group. The statistical community of this study include all the people with obsessive-compulsive disorder in Borujerd, from whom 28 women, in two groups of control (14 persons) and experimental (14 persons), were chosen through available sampling method. To gather data, the cognitive emotion regulation questionnaire (CERQ) and Toronto alexithymia scale (TAS) were used. The volunteers were under the treatment through eight sessions of 90 minutes of acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT). But the control group received no intervention. The data was analyzed through the statistical tests of multivariate covariance. Results: The results of multivariate covariance revealed that (ACT) affects significantly on the cognitive emotion regulation and alexithymia in people with obsessive-compulsive disorder. Conclusions: The results showed that the acceptance and commitment therapy can be used as an effective treatment on improvement of the cognitive emotion regulation and the reduction of alexithymia in people with obsessive-compulsive disorder.