The advantages of a micro-invasive approach to modern endodontics
20th Annual World Dental Summit
March 20-22, 2017 Rome, Italy

Gilbert Gallo

Master of Micro-Surgical Endodontics at University of Turin

Posters & Accepted Abstracts: Dentistry


Endodontics has evolved a lot through the years, allowing clinicians to save teeth that were doomed to extraction in the past. In order to provide the longest possible life expectancy to a tooth where root canal therapy was performed, all Authors agree that highly conservative, micro-invasive procedures are advisable, both during the endodontic phase and during the post-endo restoration phase. Aim of this conference is to explain the modern micro-invasive approach to endodontics and to show the latest technologies that allow such a goal to be achieved. Starting from the pulp chamber opening and ending with the micro-invasive seal of the root canal system, the Author will fully detail how to achieve a micro-invasive endodontic treatment.

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