Teaching on diabetes mellitus management with simulation
18th World Congress on Clinical Nursing & Practice
September 21-22, 2018|Prague, Czech Republic

Gulcan Bakan,Arife Azak and Umran Ozdemır

Pamukkale University, Turkey


Scientific Tracks Abstracts: Health Care Current Reviews


Simulation based training improves the link between theory and clinic, the development of psychomotor skills, the use of decision making, critical thinking, self-confidence and therapeutic communication in nursing education. In this study, it was aimed to test the design of Standards of Best Practice like Simulation Standard IX and to evaluate the success of the students who have taken the lesson of internal medicine nursing by using simulation-based training of diabetes mellitus (DM). The study was completed with 169 students. Students??? opinions and achievement scores were used to evaluate the research results. 30.2% of the participants were male and 69.8% were females. DM simulation points??? average was found to be 2.7929�1.05715 with a 5-point Likert valuation, the application grade average was 79.3195�7.31386 and the end grade average was 65.2959�8.60482. As the DM simulation scores of the students increased, the application note and the end-of-semester grade rose and the students with low simulation scores were found to have a low end-of-term grade. The students expressed their opinions about simulation training with ???I was worried before the internship???, ???I learned to interpret the disease???, ???Very enjoyable and instructive??? expressions. In conclusion, the use of the simulation-based training in nursing education increases the students' clinical practice achievements. Students may be able to evaluate properly the medical situation and clinical problems and plan nursing care.

Biography :

Gulcan Bakan has completed her PhD from Ege University and Post-doctoral studies from Boston College. She is currently working as Assistant Professor. She studies about chronic diseases, nursing theories and palliative care.

E-mail: gbakan@pau.edu.tr