Arlee C Balderas and Maria Lourdes M Trajano
Baguio General Hospital, Philippines
Posters & Accepted Abstracts: J Bacteriol Parasitol
Statement of the Problem: Japanese encephalitis (JE) is one the most important causes of viral encephalitis in Asia with no specific antiviral treatment and vaccination is the single most important control measure. The purpose of this study was to determine the socio-demographic and clinical profiles of laboratory confirmed pediatric JE cases in a tertiary hospital. It also aims to determine the association of discharge outcome of patients with JE as regards to age, neurological signs and symptoms and Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) analysis at time of admission. Methodology & Theoretical Orientation: This is a Retrospective Cross-Sectional Study. Charts of JE cases admitted from April 2015 to April 2017 were included. Profiles (socio-demographic and clinical) were collected and associated with their discharge outcome using Epi Info and Chi Square tool. Findings: Majority belonged to the 5-9 years age group with residences near rice-fields and piggeries, and upsurge of cases on months of March and May. Presenting features were altered sensorium and aphasia. CSF analysis showed lymphocytosis in 70%. CSF proteins were >45mg/dL in 90% and CSF sugar remained normal (>50mg/dL) in 93.3%. We find no association as regards age and CSF results. Of importance is the p value of <0.023 with regard the neurological manifestations. The presence of these predicts the outcome on discharge. Conclusion & Significance: The results confirm published data on JE with age of diagnosis between 5-9 y.o. and cases increased during the start of the cropping or rainy season and were residing within 5km from rice-fields or piggeries. Most patients present with altered sensorium and aphasia and these significantly affect the discharge outcome of. Recommendations: It is highly recommended that vaccination should be given before the start of the cropping or rainy season and be included in the National Program of Immunization to target endemic areas initially.