Social values and the healthcare system
Modern Trends in Health Economics, Healthcare & Technologies
May 20 2019 Venice, Italy

Sam Vaknin

Southern Federal University, Russia

Keynote: Health Care Current Reviews


Many health systems and models exist in all countries. This is because healthcare reflects the social and cultural values of the societies that design and adopt them from public good.

We should distinguish between social and cultural values from economic and operational values. For instance, efficiency is an economic-operational value, not a social-cultural one. Equity often considered an economic criterion, is actually a normative socialcultural value is a non-efficient whose pursuit often comes at a steep economic price. Health systems can be categorized depending on the class of values they emphasize: the American (US) health system is prioritised to satisfy economic-operational requirements while European health systems place a premium on social-cultural ones.

In this paper, Sam Vaknin mainly deal with three socialcultural constraints: solidarity, equity (vs. inequity), and progressivity (vs.regressivity), including the issue of redistribution. There are many other social-cultural values that are not covered here: fairness, dignity, and choice come to mind. To conclude Finally, I provide a discussion of the concept of “public good” in current literature.

Biography :

Sam Vaknin is the author of “Malignant Self-love: Narcissism Revisited” and other books about personality disorders. His work is cited in hundreds of books and dozens of academic papers. He spent the past 6 years developing a treatment modality for Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD). Over the years, with volunteers, it was found to be effective with clients suffering from a major depressive episode as well.
