Social networking, narcissism and social behaviour of adolescents and young adults in India
Joint Event on World Congress on Psychiatry & Psychological Syndromes & 29th International Conference on Adolescent Medicine and Child Psychology
December 06-07, 2018 | Rome, Italy

Navin Kumar

University of Delhi, India

Posters & Accepted Abstracts: J Psychiatry


Social Networking sites are unique ways to offer a gateway for self-promotion via self-descriptions, vanity via photos and shallow relationships, which are linked to trait narcissism. Today, full-blown Narcissistic Personality Disorder remains rare but narcissistic traits, involving vanity, arrogance, feeling special, lacking empathy and having little regard for others are increasingly common (Pinsky,2006).These traits are attributed not to parental failure to meet primary narcissistic needs of the child but to cultural changes in society (Twenge,2010).The objectives of this study were to: find socio-structural factors that facilitate development to narcissistic personality among Indian youths; relationship between increased social networking usage, urban anonymity and emergence of narcissism; relationship between new media, identity formation and social engagement; and to analyse narcissism in different age groups, socioeconomic statuses and genders. Research was conducted using Narcissistic Personality Inventory (NPI-16) and Narrative Analysis, a Qual-Quant approach, on 100 participants belonging to three socioeconomic statuses (low, middle, high), two age groups (adolescents and young adults), and both genders. As per the results, among heavy users, withdrawal from pro-social behaviour were easily discernible up to the level of narcissism, as compared to moderate users. Low socio-economic category reflected less media engagement unlike other categories. Differencesincontentwerefoundbutusagepatternweresimilar in both genders. Belonging to collectivistic society females scored low on narcissism. These search findings will contribute to academic literature given the limited amount of studies in this area in India, so as to prevent serious health problems in future.

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