Self-repair PsycoCorporeality
4th Euro-Global Congress on Psychiatrists & Forensic Psychology
November 10-11, 2016 Alicante, Spain

Andrea Fissi

Studio di Psicoterapia e di Sessuologia, Italy

Posters & Accepted Abstracts: J Psychiatry


The psyche is a phenomenal event produced by the body, to an adaptive purpose, to achieve adequate environmental homeostasis. Since then is the body to produce the psyche phenomenon and it inevitably affects its structure. The psyche has its own autonomy and, with its operations, in turn, affects the body that has produced it, changing the organic functional settings. This interactive cycle produces the organic changes in the connective tissues, in the organs, and in the various nerve endings. The new body settings, in turn affect the functioning of the psyche by changing its analytical and reading capacity of the internal and external environment. Tensions and information in the body, at a given time, constitute the zero point, which is used as a basis for making any assessment that purchases meaning in relation to the deviation from it. Each person creates his own reality and truth assessing it in relation to its zero point in place. To solve the various psychopathologies, you must obtain a general reorganization, in order to eliminate the various shenanigans. So you do not have to be limited to acting only on a psychological level, or merely physical, but you need a multidisciplinary intervention that consider the psychological aspects on one hand and a physical manipulative treatment on the other hand, aimed to free the connective tissue, the muscle fibers with their spindle and the various reflex zones from the alterations that have been produced in repeated attempts to environmental adaptation.

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