Resin based composites in aesthetic dentistry: The magic of the pull through technique
24th International Conference on Dental Education
March 18-19, 2019 | Paris, France

Mohamed El Naga

University of New England, USA

Posters & Accepted Abstracts: Dentistry


Dentistry has been full of advancements in all different disciplines within the field. These fantastic advancements affected the dental aesthetic outcomes of all dental work including restorative dentistry. These enhancements and innovative ideas included creating some unique tips, tricks and clinical techniques to manipulate dental materials to clinician’s preference, thus resulting in superior functionality, form and aesthetics. State of the art enrichment with these clinical exclusive technical steps led the patients to set high expectations for all dental work done. This presentation will be discussing a modern clinical procedure called the pull through technique. This approach is used with resin based composite materials in restoring class IV cases, class III cases, diastema closures and peg laterals. This artistry is being taught to the students here at the University of New England in Maine, USA. Student’s anterior restorative work has tremendously enhanced and the patients always had a good experience while using this technique. It is a simple, quick, neat and effective dental clinical step that results in higher quality anterior aesthetic restorative outcomes.