Psychiatry and nutrition: Food and nutrients in Mental Health
Annual World Congress on Psychiatry
February 16-17, 2023 | Webinar

Yulia Brockdorf

Nutrition for Success, LLC, USA

Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Psychiatry


An increasing number of studies are revealing that diet and nutrition are critical in influencing brain, metabolic health, physiology, and body composition, as well as have a significant effect on mood and mental well-being. Foods provide nutrients and energy that support brain and cognitive functioning. The link between mental health challenges and nutritional deficiencies has long been noted in the literature. Nutrients not only serve as the direct precursors to neurotransmitter synthesis, and catalysts for various biochemical functions impacting mental health, but also have structural and neuroprotective influences on the brain. Evidence of randomized controlled trials elucidates that improvement in quality of diet is linked to reduced symptoms of depression in the human subjects. There is an increased interest among the public in utilizing nutritional interventions in aiding management of mental health challenges. Mental health prescribers need to be aware of the relationship between food, nutrients and mental health. The impact of integrating nutrition interventions needs to be considered when rendering psychiatric care. In this presentation we will discuss efficacy and safety considerations utilizing nutritional, nutraceutical and nootropic interventions.

Biography :

Yulia Brockdorf is a psychotherapist and dietitian. As a psychotherapist Yulia focuses her work on helping people heal and grow in spite of the adversity and pain they experienced in their lives. She has an advanced training in treatment of trauma, and is an EMDRIA certified EMDR therapist. Yulia received special training in military culture and treatments that have shown to be effective with military-connected patients. She provides psychotherapy care to veterans and service member families. As a dietitian, Yulia works with people struggling with diabetes, cardiovascular disease, excessive weight, and gastrointestinal issues. She holds board certification in Advanced Diabetes Management, and is a Certified Diabetes Care and Education Specialist. Yulia has completed a two year post graduate Interprofessional Fellowship and is a Fellow of the Academy of Integrative Health and Medicine. In her clinical practice Yulia strives to help people achieve optimal wellness by integrating her diverse training and multidisciplinary expertise in caring for her patients. Yulia was awarded the Excellence in Practice for Individuals with Addiction Award from the Behavioral Health Nutrition Practice Group. She serves on the redential Oversights Committee of the Association of Diabetes Care and Education Specialists. She also serves on the Editorial Board for Multinational Association of Supportive Care in Cancer Journal, Supportive Care in Cancer. Currently Yulia serves as a chair of the Oregon Board of Licensed Dietitians. Her editorial work on the topic of Nutrition and Dementia was published in the peer reviewed Journal of Nutrition, Health & Aging.