Pre-clinical test of Indian and foreign innovative rice based food brands for creating feel good and eliminating mental disorders under new theme food is medicine
6th International Conference on Advanced Clinical Research and Clinical Trials
September 10-11, 2018 | Zurich, Switzerland

R C Yadav

ICAR-CSWCRTI Researchv Centre, India

Posters & Accepted Abstracts: J Clin Res Bioeth


Food is third priority basic need, following fresh air and potable water. Whereas developing countries are endeavoring to create sustainable food sufficiency, developing countries are striving for physical quality of living (PQLI). Under both the situations need is realized for maintaining feel good and sound health. Inappropriate and nutritionally deficient foods create low feel good and variety of health ailments. Different inadequate or unsuitable nutrition viz carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins and minerals contribute to such undesirable situations viz night blindness and mental disorders. Since food contain basic ingredients create good or bad health, a new theme, ???Food is medicine???, is devised, to overcome such bad situations for efficient oxidation and production of energy. Thiamin is utilized as catalytic enzyme for rice based carbohydrate. Protein based amino acid in cereals is crucial limiting factor viz tryptophan in maize and rice. The tryptophan is converted in to thiamin and niacin which supplement nervous and skeletal formation. The discrepancy in thiamin causes nervous and mental related disorders viz, depression, moodiness, forgetfulness and alzheimer???s disease etc. Niacin and other protein based peptide supplement bone and muscles etc together. Any shortfall does cause slip disks, which cannot be recuperated by surgical operations, as surgeons opine low recovery in the old aged patients. Under such situation food is the only stake and food is medicine theme is highly suitable and appropriate strategy for primary health care. Rice based Indian and foreign brands of Khichdi, have been fortified with protein, vitamins and minerals, which will create feel good, easily cooked, eaten fresh and easily digested and adequately supplemented tol keep the nervous system in perfect working orders. The khiachdi if eaten with meat or fish free diet, it needs inclusion of dairy products such as milk, curd, butter and buttermilk to enhance absorption of low content of tryptophan in rice based foods of any preparation. A new nutritionally fortified flour is devised, which is useable for making pan cake or even pasta, which I equally liked in Etaly and other European countries This pasta is useable in place of khichddi to reduce load of nutrient discrepancies. Addition of sweet corn, green peas, adequate content of dhal-protein form special rice based food band. Thus, khichdi and Pasta will be able to supplement nutrient rich, fast preparing foods. These innovative brands can be brought under clinical testing and feel good and mental health can be the main indicating indices. These food brands , will be suitable for reduction of 3D diseases such as Dysentry, Dermatitis and Dementia. The food brands can be evaluated under clinical tests.

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