Posture and positioning
24th International Conference on Dental Education
March 18-19, 2019 | Paris, France

Ali Nankali

Barts and the London Medical and Dental School,UK

Keynote: Dentistry


Maintaining a good posture helps practitioners to achieve superior outcomes and protects them from future problems such as back pain. This is the central theme of the course. Having a correct position allows the practitioner to see the working areas properly which optimizes performance and avoids iatrogenic damages. Some clinicians think that having their eyes closer to the working area would help them to have better control of their handpiece. Yet, being too close to the targeted surface area would not only decrease the level of accuracy, but also create discomfort for the patient. When practitioners have to move their head or change their posture to check the task done, it means that at the time of the procedure the clinician was not able to see the working surface area correctly. Not having the most suitable posture for the task would most likely let your treatment outcomes down. Studies demonstrate that about 85.5% of clinicians have a forward head posture, while 68.8% have a round shoulder posture. More interestingly 36.1% of practitioners suffer scoliosis and hyperlordosis. Most of the work postures studies demonstrate a high risk to the lower back and neck however, even with an appropriate posture muscle strengthening exercises for the neck can play an important role minimizing the risk. There are some situations where the practitioner stands to do tasks such as extracting a tooth or taking impressions.

Biography :

Ali Nankali is a Clinical Senior Lecturer at Teaching and Innovation Centre of the Barts and the London Medical and Dental School. In 1998, he took a keen interest in Restorative Dentistry which led him to commence his extensive research on application of post and cores. Following his research, he proposed a number of novel inventions such as Nankali Post System, Nankali bur and Masticatory Force classification. He was awarded his PhD in 2004 by National Medical University in Kiev/Ukraine where he registered as a specialist in Prosthodontics. His Engineering background in addition to his Prosthetics and Maxillofacial clinical experiences helped him in achieving interesting outcomes on his researches. At his current position, he is involved with undergraduate, Post-graduate teaching as well as regularly running external courses such as CPD courses. He is also an international speaker.
