Possible ways to neutralize bio-pathogenic radiationTechno
Joint Meeting on 13th World Congress on Industrial Healthcare and Medical Tourism & 2nd World Congress on Bioinformatics & System Biology
October 15-16, 2018 Dubai, UAE

Anatolii Pavlenko

Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, Ukraine

Keynote: Health Care Current Reviews


radiationTechno pathogenic eff ect; a set of factors and processes that have any kind of negative eff ect or impact on living organisms resulting from scientifi c and technological progress of mankind. Th is is a summary of ideas and methods for protecting the public from the negative impact of electronic technology. While conducting research, the author tried to clearly defi ne the prevailing negative impact on living of Torsion Fields (TF) in comparison with electromagnetic radiation. Electromagnetic fi elds warm the tissues of a person using all sorts of gadgets, while torsion fi elds aff ect the gene level. Much attention is paid to the technology of protection from torsion fi elds. American biologists drew attention to this phenomenon, calling such radiation ???non-classical electromagnetic radiation???. Th e Specifi c Absorption Rate (SAR) is considered as an offi cial standard for measuring the eff ects of Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR) from mobile phones on human brains. However, the biologists do not consider SAR measurements as an accurate representation of mobile phone EMR eff ects on the human brain in real life. As an alternative of SAR the increasing number of scientists uses the biological systems for evaluation of harmful eff ects of mobile phone EMR. In the above-mentioned works the positive moment is a reference to ???non-classical??? electromagnetic fi elds though their physical nature has not been disclosed. In our opinion the ???non-classical??? electromagnetic fi elds are TF. We need to convey to people the truth about the impact of electronic technology on the living.

Biography :

A R Pavlenko has completed his PhD from Sevastopol State University. He is the Director of Spinor International, Head of the Laboratory of the Electron Devices Chair at Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute. He has published more than 50 papers in reputed journals and has been serving as Member of the Editorial Boards of a scienti c periodical: Ukrainian Journal Physical Vacuum and Nature

E-mail: spinor.lab@gmail.com