Porcelain veneers work flow: Predicting the outcome
29th Annual American Dentistry Congress
March 22-23, 2018 | New York, USA

Amir Hadjhamou

International Academy of Aesthetics, USA

Keynote: Dentistry


Beauty lies in the eye of the beholder. Patients seeking elective aesthetic treatments have become more demanding in terms of the results desired and/or expected. Modern techniques and approaches have been introduced and a new work flow and protocol is recommended. One of the most common aesthetic treatments is porcelain laminate veneers. Thanks to the latest developments in the materials, bonding techniques and types of ceramics available nowadays, it is now possible to offer our patients a predictable aesthetic result with minimal compromise to the dental tissues. In order to achieve that, a precise workflow and a specific set of steps should be followed in such an approach with minimally invasive notions, starting with Dental photography, Initial impressions, Digital Smile Design, wax up, Fabrication of a Silicone Key, Mock ups, and deep cuts through the mock up. Proper temporization and impression techniques and materials as well as respecting the recommended cementation protocols are mandatory for the long-term success of these restorations. This presentation will focus on the workflow, clinical steps and protocol followed in the fabrication of porcelain laminate veneers from A to Z.

Biography :

Amir Hadjhamou has obtained his post-doctoral degrees in Prosthodontics and Implantology from University Lyon I where he was also appointed as lecturer at the faculty of dentistry, In addition to his clinical duties in the Oral Maxillofacial department and Prosthodontics department, at Hotel-Dieu Hospital, Lyon, France. He is currently an Adjunct Assistant Professor at the University Lyon in France.