Periodontitis peri-implantitis
20th Annual World Dental Summit
March 20-22, 2017 Rome, Italy

Mohammad Aljalal

Ministry of Health, Saudi Arabia

Scientific Tracks Abstracts: Dentistry


Peri-implantitis is an inflammatory destructive process that affects hard and soft tissue surrounding dental implants. Most of the bacterial composition that cause peri-implantitis are similar to the bacteria causes periodontitis. Due to prevalence rates up to 56%, peri-implantitis can lead to the loss of the implant without multilateral prevention and therapy concepts. Specific continuous check-ups with evaluation and elimination of risk factors (e.g. smoking, systemic diseases and periodontitis) are effective precautions. Moderate forms of peri-implantitis can obviously be treated effectively using conservative methods same as periodontitis and periodontitis (scaling, root planning and systemic antibiotics), of course after elimination of the local factors. In cases with advanced peri-implantitis surgical therapies are more effective than conservative approaches. Depending on the configuration of the defects, resective surgery can be carried out for elimination of peri-implant lesions, whereas regenerative therapies may be applicable for defect filling. The cumulative interceptive supportive therapy (CIST) protocol serves as guidance for the treatment of the peri-implantitis. In this review, we try to focuses on diagnosis, prevention and treatment of peri-implant disease for practitioners.

Biography :

Mohammad Aljalal has completed his bachelor degree at College of Applied Medical Sciences (2002) as Medical Lab Technologist. He completed his Master’s Degree and Clinical Certificate in Periodontics. In 2015, he completed his Clinical Certificate in Dental Implants. He works as Periodontist and Implantologist at Ministry of Health, Saudia Arabia.
