Patient safety in mental health: why it so important?
International Conference on Psychiatric & Geriatrics Nursing and Stroke
November 19-20, 2018 | Paris, France

Umesh Prabhu

Edge Hill University, UK

Posters & Accepted Abstracts: J Psychiatry


Nearly 150 years ago, Florce Nightnigale famously said ???The first requirement in a hospital is that it should do the sick no harm???. However, startling statistic tells us a very different story about the state of patient safety today. According to published evidence, medical errors are responsible for up to 440,000 deaths a year and considered as the third leading cause of death in the United States. As doctors, nurses and healthcare managers and leaders, we must focus on patient safety and quality. It is equally important to focus on value for the money which we spend on healthcare. Health is the wealth of the nation. Every country needs healthy people to work and to earn money and to create wealth for the nation. Nursing is one of the most wonderful, kind and caring compassionate profession and nursing staff can and must play huge role in reducing harm to patients. By creating culture of staff happiness, creating kind, and caring compassionate culture and by supporting staff to speak up, we can transform healthcare. Empowering staff, patients and carers and involving and engaging them is the way to increase safety, quality and to reduce the cost of healthcare. Fundamental aim in reducing harm to patient is effective risk management and minimizing the risk of harm to patients through excellent systems, processes and policies. Good team work is essential for good patient care. Good team has a good leader who is able to unite all staff and create a kind, caring and compassionate culture where every member of the team feels valued, involved, engaged and supported to do a good job. This lecture will focus on definition of patient safety, defines culture of patient safety and a just culture, value based leadership and how we transformed the culture to just culture, patient safety, focused, staff engaged culture and how we reduced harm to patients by 90% just in eight years?

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