Parental stress and its implications effects on their child behaviour and oral status
25th Global Dentists and Pediatric Dentistry Annual Meeting
April 25-26, 2019 | Rome, Italy

Faisal Ali M AlQhtani

Saudi Commission for Health Specialties, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Scientific Tracks Abstracts: Dentistry


Individuals with children may experience stress due to a number of factors; in fact, parenting itself may be considered a stressful life event. Stress in parents affects their behaviours and has negative effects on their children. Stressed parents are likely to respond negatively to the stress in their child. Within the context of the family stress, parenting stress has been divided into stress of the child, which refers to those qualities in the child that make it difficult and stressful for the parent to fulfil their parental roles in providing child’s needs. Parental behaviour is as important as children’s anxiety in the way fasting instructions are adhered to same day surgery situations. It was shown that mothers who did not comply with fasting requirements perceived the procedure as more threatening and were more anxious and had lower conscientiousness levels. Additionally, mother's anxiety prior to surgery mediated the association between mothers' threat perception and compliance. Numerous scales and questionnaires have been developed to assess dental fear and anxiety. Despite variations in prevalence rates, other findings related to dental fear and anxiety are mostly in line with each other. The lecture will also compare the parental anxiety between parents who get chair side treatment with or without using nitrous oxide to the parental anxiety felt by them whom get there treatment under general anesthesia.

Biography :

Faisal Ali M AlQhtani is a Registrar Pediatric Dentist. He holds a Master Degree in Dental Sciences (MSc) and Senior Resident in the Saudi board for Paediatric Dentistry. He is a speaker and presenter in multiple national and international conferences and workshops inside and outside Saudi Arabia and with high interest in public awareness through TV live podcasting and social media and one of the winners in the King Khalid University first international dental conference poster presentations competition. He is a Member in multiple international societies and active member in the Saudi Dental Society and active member and one of the founding members of the Saudi Society of Pediatric Dentistry.
