Panic disorders, take charge, without the help of words or substances
International Conference on Psychiatric & Geriatrics Nursing and Stroke
November 19-20, 2018 | Paris, France

Ambre Kalene

EPRTH, France

Keynote: J Psychiatry


Every day, in their professional practice, health professionals are confronted with people whose behavior opposes, sometimes violently in any approach. These panic disorders are always part of their life pattern. They do not arise spontaneously without it being based on a weakening life course of events. But, what can be done when this state of panic bursts does not allow: a necessary injection, the taking of a medicine, a surgical intervention or simply a discussion, an interview, or a psychological interview? These people are not all delirious. Most of the time, they are individuals who fell prey to an extreme disorder in a punctual situation of their life. They are then "overwhelmed" by a weakened survival system, an impulse that they cannot calm voluntarily. However, it is possible to calm, in a few minutes, without medication, this system, to allow the caregiver to act effectively. It is a simple, easy to implement procedure, even with people who do not speak the caregivers' language. This procedure may also allow, if desirable, for a background treatment of the various traumas that have led the person to fall into this state.

Biography :

Ambre Kalène is a Swiss Naturopath for more than 30 years with hundreds of patients. During her practice, she quickly realized that the people coming to consult her were, as soon as they got better, returning to their old destructive behaviors. She tried to understand and then channel the impulses. This allowed her to craft a technique, a procedure, which she used and have been teaching for several years.
