Overview in digital orthodontics the new frontiers of digital appliances
20th Annual World Dental Summit
March 20-22, 2017 Rome, Italy

Stefano Negrini

University of L�??Aquila, Italy

Scientific Tracks Abstracts: Dentistry


My lecture will focus on new frontier in making 3D appliances, the complete digital workflow and related difficulties. A detailed overview of the new visions in the 3D world of orthodontics is the new way of communication between the laboratory and dental clinic. We will take stock of the speed at which it is changing the orthodontic world in the light of new digital technologies.

Biography :

Stefano Negrini is specialized Orthodontics lab technician, he is working exclusively on Orthodontics since 25 years and currently he is the CEO of Estense Otodonzia Laboratory Ltd, leaders in 3D technologies. He also served as a president in Ortec. He spoke in few national and international conferences and organized few courses also. He is the author of several articles and posters in trade magazines.

Email: stefano@ortodonziaestense.it