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Morteza Fazeli Niaki
Accepted Abstracts: Dentistry
O rthotropics is a preventative, non-extraction treatment that aims to guide the growth of the jaws to prevent problems developing in the first place. A form of early interceptive Orthodontics, the underlying premise of Orthotropics has been to identify the causes of the malocclusion with the aim of gaining a permanent correction with 32 teeth in all cases without retention. Gaining some phenomenal facial changes and treating cases deemed only suitable for surgery Orthotropics has been steadily been growing in popularity and scientific recognition, only held back by the difficultly of motivating and enacting permanent postural change in the young children. By piecing together the little good quality science available and starting from a blank canvas Orthotropics casts aside most of the presumptions contemporary orthodontics has been built on. It introduces dental and orthodontic professionals the concept and problems associated with ?incorrect? facial growth and different methods to change facial growth. It will put forward a unifying theory drawing from key main stream orthodontic literature, original experimentation, life sciences, experiments of nature and case examples that explains the aetiology, pathology, and permanent cure of malocclusion. Examples of Orthotropics cases showing the best facial changes ever produced by any non-surgical therapy, often better than surgical therapy, with 32 well aligned teeth that have been stable for decades post treatment with no retention are given Often called the most simple complex system it is like no other form of orthodontic therapy and needs to be heard to be believed.
Page 89 Volume 3 Issue 2 Dentistry 2013 ISSN: 2161-1122, Dentistry an open access journal Dental-2013 August 19-21, 2013 International Conference on Dental & Oral Health August 19-21, 2013 Embassy Suites Las Vegas, NV, USA Biography Morteza Fazeli Niaki has obtained a Doctor of Dental Medicine degree with highest honour from Ukrainian Medical Stomatological Academy in 2009. He has also completed a Clinical Ordinator Course in Prosthetic Dentistry at Ukrainian Medical Stomatological Academy in April 2010 and worked as a clinical assistant professor of prosthodontics in the department of Prosthetic Dentistry and Implantology of UMSA . He is the Academic Director and Clinical Research Coordinator at the London School of Facial Orthotropics.He was a head of scientific circle at Normal Physiology Department and an active member of scientific circle at Microbiology and Surgical Dentistry Departments in UMSA. He has published over 45 papers in international scientific journals (such as ?World of Medicine and Biology? and ?Ukrainian Military Medicine?), conferences and 3 books (such as ?Asymmetry in maxillofacial region: some theoretical and practical aspects.?)He has received many scientific awards including: a diploma for the best conference paper at the ?New Technologies in Dentistry? scientific conference in Poltava-Ukraine, a bronze medal at the Biology Olympiad and a diploma for the best conference paper at the ?Actual problems of Clinical and Theoretical Medicine? scientific conference in Poltava-Ukraine. He currently works as academic director and clinical research coordinator of the London School of Facial Orthotropics and his research interests mainly include orthotropic approach to facial growth guidance, prosthodontic and orthotropic treatment of TMJ problems, aetiology of malocclusion, orofacial myology, myofunctional therapy and asymmetry in the maxillofacial region.