Orthodontics, occlusion and temporomandibular dysfunction
14th International Conference on Dental Health
September 14-16, 2016 Philadelphia, USA

Julio Cesar Castro Puma

Latin American Academy of Orthodontics and Maxillary Orthopedics, Peru

Posters & Accepted Abstracts: Dentistry


Orthodontics and the rehabilitation dental are dental specialties that modify significantly the dental occlusion; these changes in oclusales can be unfavourable for some patients, as long as the static and dynamic standards of oclusal are not taken into account. There is currently a lot of controversy about the treatment of rehabilitation and orthodontics performed in Centric Relation (CR) and beyond, the confusion is evident, its existence is questioned, we will provide our clinic experience on this delicate subject. The presence or occurrence of temporomandibular mandibular dysfunction during orthodontic treatment and rehabilitation is a clinical concern, delaying the treatment, the patient is worried and it increases the stress values of both. We need to know the possible causes that trigger temporomandibular mandibular dysfunction and how to deal promptly and effectively? For which we have important casuistry and videos full HD with clinical management of these cases. We develop the topic with a practical-clinical approach showing different concepts and techniques to conventional focus, with the premise problem resolution.

Biography :

Email: juliopumaortodoncia@hotmail.com