Neuroprotectoin and neuroregenerative therapy for ischemic stroke
Global Summit on Stroke
August 03-05, 2015 Birmingham, UK

Koji Abe

Posters-Accepted Abstracts: Brain Disord Ther


Neuroprotection is essential for therapy in acute stage of stroke. Edaravone, a free radical scavenger is the first clinical drug
for neuroprotection in the world which has been used from 2001 in most ischemic stroke patients in Japan. Edaravone
scavenges hydroxyl radicals both in hydrophilic and hydrophobic conditions and is especially useful in thrombolytic therapy
with tissue plasminogen activator (tPA). Combination therapy of Edaravone with tPA greatly increased survival of stroke
animals, reduced infarct size and inhibited molecular markers of oxidative damage in lipid, protein and DNA. Use of Edaravone
greatly reduced hemorrhagic transformation accompanied by tPA treatment and may also extend therapeutic time window
with tPA therapy for more than 4.5 hr in human stroke patients. An intensive Edaravine therapy for 3 days now showed a
favorite recovery in 3 EU countries (Finland, UK, and Holland). It is important for regenerative therapy that the neural stem
cells which are intrinsically activated or exogenously transplanted. To support stem cell migration, an artificial scaffold can
be implanted to injured brain for promoting ischemic brain repair. In vivo optical imaging is a recent technology to detect
ischemic and other neurologic disorders without killing subjects which make able time-dependent monitoring of the disease
conditions such as MMP9 activation and macro autophagy after ischemic stroke. We report a cell therapy for both ischemic
stroke models. As a translational stroke research, we are currently conducting a clinical trial with G-CSF for ischemic stroke
patients together with Professor Shunya Takizawa at Tokai University.