N. A. Zakarina, L. D. Volkova and O. K. Kim
Accepted Abstracts: J Pet Environ Biotechnol
In this work we examined the photocatalytic decomposition of hydrogen sulfide on Fe 2 O 3 and TiO 2 -containing natural materials - kaolinites under UV irradiation. As the initial materials were taken kaolinite clays of Kazakhstan deposits (No 1 and No 2). The process was studied in the quartz reactor at the temperature of 40 - 800C. The source of UV radiation was a mercury UV lamp power of 100 watts. Catalysts was treated preliminary thermal activation in the stream of hydrogen sulfide at 500 0 C for 2 hours. The catalysts were tested by methods: electron microprobe analysis (?Superprobe -733?, JEOL), XRD (DRON 4 * 0.7 Cu K α -irradiation), BET by low temperature nitrogen adsorption, M?ssbauer and EPR spectroscopy, electron microscopy (TEM). It is shown that the samples No 1 and No 2 contain 4.8 and 6.0 wt.% Fe 2 O 3 and 0.4 and 0,6% TiO 2 , accordingly. The specific surface of the samples No 1 and No 2 (49.1 and 92.1 m 2 / g), pore volume (0.119 and 0.287 cm 3 / g) and their size distribution were determined. It is shown that the sample No 2 is more active than sample No1 that is accounted by high content of iron and titanium oxides and greater specific surface. In case of H 2 S low concentrations in the gas mixture (3 and 6%) the catalyst decomposed with 100% H 2 S conversion to H2 and S indefinitely long time at the space velocities of 510 - 530 h -1 . When the concentration of H 2 S increased to 25% complete decomposition H 2 S is observed on the sample with high content of titanium and iron oxides at space velocities 311 - 320 h -1 . It was suggested that the active sites of the hydrogen sulphide decomposition are reduced forms of iron and titanium based on the results of M?ssbauer, EPR spectroscopy and electron microscopy
N.А. Zakarina has completed her candidate degree at the age 27 years after graduating Moscow state University and degree of doctor of chemical sciences from Institute of Organic Catalysis and Electrochemistry. She is Prof; Doctor of chemical Sciences and the Head of oil refining catalysts laboratory of D.V. Sokolsky Institute of organic catalysis and electrochemistry. She has published more than 300 papers in reputed journals.