Mental health, recovery and resilience in Burundi: What happens in underserved communities
5th International Conference on Depression, Anxiety and Stress Management
November 05-06, 2018 Bangkok, Thailand

N Nkengurutse and P Bitangumutwenzi


Posters & Accepted Abstracts: J Psychiatry


Background & Purpose: The resilience approach is in keeping with the World Health Organization's conceptualization of mental health as a positive state of psychological well-being going beyond the absence of diseases. Accumulating evidence indicates the beneficial effects of a psychosocial support on general well-being in patients with mental health impairments. Less evidence is available on benefits of social-economic reinsertion in mental health resilience. This study examined the association between social rehabilitation and recovery status for one year in persons with mental illness. Methods: A longitudinal study using information from mental health database within psychiatric clinic included 120 inpatients aged between 15-55 in 2017. We collected data during stay and approximately 1 year after they were discharged. WHODAS tool was used to gather information. Results: The mean age of sample was 22.4. Patients were women (61.5%), men (48.5%), married (43%), rural (89.4%), undereducated (75%), refugees (93%), from large families (74%), without land (83%), job (87%) or access to health system (47%). They used traditional (92%) or faith care (35%). Screening was made by family (50%), neighbors (35%), community workers (10%) or care providers (5%). GP diagnosed 100% of people with depression (57%), psychotic features (20%), bipolar disorders (13%), schizophrenia (8%) and trauma patients (65%). Average length of stay was 20.1 days. After one year, home visits (12%), psychological support (25%), medical treatment (14%) was provided. Stigmatization (60%) and poor economic reinsertion (90%) undermined improvement. Full recovery (30%) and relapse (42%) of patients were noticed 12 months later. Conclusion & Implications: This study shows how people struggle to recover from a mental illness despite challenge of access to medical services and poor social reinsertion which jeopardizes resilience.

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