Management of complex cases in endodontics: Diagnosis, treatment, prognosis
15th Euro Congress on Dental & Oral Health
October 24-26, 2016 Rome, Italy

Gianluca Plotino

Sapienza University of Rome, Italy

Posters & Accepted Abstracts: Dentistry


Endodontic specialists usually treat complex cases consisting of challenging difficult teeth along with challenging patient management, which need advanced materials and techniques. Given the skills, time, equipment and the technical and anatomical knowledge, endodontic specialists are expected to solve these cases doing all efforts possible to make teeth again available for their functional oral status, having a long term prognosis. Through the use of the three-dimensional diagnostic tools, microscope, ultrasonics, repair materials and all the technical advancements available today, the outcome of these "Hopeless" cases has drastically increased in last decade. This lecture aims to present an explicative case series representative of several complex clinical situations solved using the ideal approach and to describe techniques and clinical tips to treat such cases. Topics will include re-treatment; removal of crowns/bridges, fiber and metal posts, separated instruments, soft and carrier-based filling materials; MTA; management of open apices, resorption and perforations; locating, shaping, cleaning and filling of difficult or missed canal anatomy, such as calcified, ledged, blocked and severely curved canals; advanced irrigation techniques to better clean complex canal anatomy; endodontic surgery; trauma and fractures; minimal invasive endodontic treatment and restoration. Microscope-assisted dentistry and advanced diagnostic techniques, such as CBCT, will be analyzed and discussed for both orthograde and surgical cases. The importance of the use of magnification including loupes, special lights and microscope to solve these complex situations will be underlined and their proper use even by general practitioners who want to avoid iatrogenic errors and improve their practice will be described.

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