Dentistry received 2249 citations as per Google Scholar report
Tamer Sabry
Scientific Tracks Abstracts: Dentistry
S oft tissue fillers provide an attractive option in facial rejuvenation. Trained dentists are allowed now to apply those fillers. With their increasing use the prevalence of complications is also expected to increase. Infectious complications of STFs were previously unknown in Kuwait. While these products are primarily meant for treatment of aging face, the age structure of our patients suggests their frequent misuse and spurious indications. Especially worrisome is recently observed application of fillers in cosmetic saloons. We believe that the use of STFs should be regulated and their administration in non-medical facilities prohibited. Patients with atypical course of facial inflammations should be questioned about previous history of cosmetic procedures
Tamer Sabry BDS, MSc, FICOI is an Oral Maxillofacial surgeon, with special interest in oral and facial plastic surgery, dental implants and bone grafts. He is a Member of the AOCMF and Fellow of the International Congress Of Oral Implantology. He is a Surgical advisor in implant courses held in conjunction between AOIA and Sharjah University, UAE. He is a Visiting doctor of Craniomaxillofacial and Plastic Surgery Department,Jenna University, Germany. He had granted with the best paper award in the category of congenital and maxillofacial deformities, Aesthetic Dentistry MENA Awards 2010. Dubai, UAE