Increased risk of suicide as a consequence of the russo-ukrainian war
European Conference on Psychiatry
March 09, 2023 | Webinar

Juan Pablo Sanchez-de la Cruz

Universidad Juárez Autónoma de Tabasco;Villahermosa, 86080, MEXICO

Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Psychiatry


The ongoing war between Russia and Ukraine is disturbing. The consequences of this conflict are unknown. We know that a war leaves negative consequences and psychological damage in the population. First the war can causes stress and generalized anxiety in the vulnerable population. Secondly people who have been displaced or victimized as well as combatants may develop post-traumatic stress disorder. The loss of family and friends the post-conflict the duel and the social situation among others can induce depressive disorder. Finally the phenomenon of suicide may also increase as a consequence of the social and economic crisis. Suicide behavior is typically classified as suicide ideation suicide attempt and completed suicide. Biological environmental and psychosocial factors are involved in suicide behavior. Historically the effect of economic crises on suicide rates has been studied confirming its association with increased unemployment rates in countries of the European Union. Studies indicate that attempted suicide and completed suicide are present in military personnel. In Denmark combat exposure was found to increase the risk of suicide attempts in military personnel with a history of post-traumatic stress disorder and major depression. Evidence of increased suicide rates was also found durin war and in post-conflict and war in Croatio and Bosnia and Herzegovina. There are many reports of attempted suicide and completed suicides in soldiers and ex-combatants of armed conflicts. Current evidence proposes that being in the military or participating in armed conflicts increases the risk of suicide behavior. Globally the estimated suicide rate is 9.2 people per 100,000 inhabitants. Russia has one of the highest suicide rates; for 2021 is calculated a rate of 25.1. According to data from the World Health Organization, countries of Eastern Europe have shown an increase in suicide rates recently. In Ukraine, the reported rate is 21.6. Belarus has a high suicide rate with 21.2. It is important to point out that countries with a history of armed conflicts such as South Korea, the United States and Japan, also have high suicide rates with 28.6, 16.1 and 15.3 deaths. These data help us to infer that suicide behavior is a phenomenon present in countries with armed conflicts. It also supports our prediction that suicide rates will continue to increase in these regions of the world mainly in Eastern Europe additionally those who present the greatest risk of committing suicide are men.

Biography :

Dr. Juan pablo sanchez de la cruz has completed his phd at the age of 26 years from universidad juarez autonoma de tabasco mexico. He is participant of laboratory research in division academica multidisciplinaria de comalcalco. He has published more than 10 papers in reputed journals he has participated as a speaker in multiple conferences locally nationally and internationally and has been a winner of national awards and has been awarded at medical congresses in some latin american countries.