Ahmad Nikseresht, Zeynab Pournazari and Iraj Pakzad
Payame Noor University, Iran
Ilam University of Medical Sciences, Iran
Posters & Accepted Abstracts: J Bacteriol Parasitol
Umbilicus intermedius Boiss. (nafe venus) is important medicinal plants, especially distributed in southern regions of west Iran Ilam. Nafe venus is from Crassulaceae family and thriving in the desert, and has a greenish-pink flowers, which is traditionally used to treat various infectious disease. In recent years, due to drug resistant usage of medicinal plants against bacterial infectious has received attention as valuable tool to gain insight into the function of anti bacterial and improvement of their functionality. In the present study, we aim to evaluated of inhibitory effect of alcoholic, aqueous and chloroform extract of Umbilicus intermedius Boiss. (nafe venus) on Escherichia coli in vitro. The plant was collected and dried in worm and low humid environment. Alcoholic, aqueous and chloroform extract was prepared according to the standard method. Clinical samples of Escherichia coli were used. Inhibitory effect of alcoholic, aqueous and chloroform extract was considered in Muller Hinton Agar medium by disk diffusion method. Inhibitory zone of alcoholic extract on Escherichia coli was 13 mm, while zone of growth inhibition of aqueous and chloroform extract were not observed. The alcoholic extract had higher antibacterial effect than the aqueous and chloroform extract.
Ahmad Nikseresht was affiliated with Payame Noor University as a PhD student until May 2013. His thesis was conducted under the supervision of Prof. M Bakavoli in the Ferdowsi University. In February 2011, he commenced research in the field of Organic Chemistry involving carbohydrates, as a guest PhD student at the Laboratory of Organic Chemistry of Wageningen University under the supervision of Prof. H Zuilhof and Dr. Tom Wennekes for a period of nine months. He is the Director of Department of Research and Entrepreneurship of Payame Noor University of Ilam, Iran. He has published more than 37 papers in reputed journals and international conferences in the field of Organic Chemistry.