Improvement in spelling, reading and verbal comprehension after QEEG-based neurofeedback in dyslexia: A case study
27th International Conference on PSYCHIATRY & PSYCHOLOGY HEALTH
June 18-19, 2018 Paris, France

Morayo Jimoh

Mobile Health, UK

Posters & Accepted Abstracts: J Psychiatry


Introduction: Phonological theories of dyslexia are of the premise that individuals with dyslexia have a specific deficit in representation, storage and recall of phonemes leading to poor spelling, reading and verbal comprehension. This is evident in poor verbal short term memory and slow automatic naming in dyslexics which further points to a more basic phonological deficit having to do with the quality of phonological representations or their access and retrieval. Statement of Problem: Currently treatment for dyslexia is limited to manage the symptoms with no known cure. Researches regarding neurofeedback treatment for dyslexia are currently sparse. This study attempted to reduce spelling, reading and verbal comprehension defict in a child previously diagnosed with dyslexia by means of neurofeedback training. Methodology: Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Fifth Edition (WISC V) and Kaufman Test of Educational Achievement- Third Edition (KTEA-3) tests were administered as preliminary diagnostic tests. A mini-quantitative electroenecephalogram (EEG) assessment was also carried out with the BioGraph Infiniti equipment. Data was taken from 17 points using the Ten-Twenty system of electrode placement. From the analysis of the data, 80 sessions of neurofeedback training sessions were indicated thrice a week for 30 - 45 minutes for each session. Neurofeedback training were target at brain lobe functions and data was collected. Increasing 16-18 Hz activity at T3 and F7 and alpha training at the occipital lobes proved quite helpful in improving spelling, reading speed and comprehension. Each neurofeedback training session was combined with read for Africa reading protocol. Conclusion: Results derived from the post test revealed significant and substantial improvement in spelling, reading proficency and verbal comprehension in the study subject