Impact of extracurricular activities on youth’s state of happiness and mindfulness
28th International Conference on Psychiatry & Psychology Health
May 06-07, 2019 | Amsterdam, Netherlands

Hirva Shingala

School of Liberal Studies-PDPU, India

Posters & Accepted Abstracts: J Psychiatry


Research in positive psychology has flourished over the last decade. Two factor components were taken from positive psychology for the research, happiness and mindfulness. The research aims to look at the impact of extracurricular activities on an individual???s state of happiness and mindfulness. Happiness and mindfulness helps young people prepare to meet challenges and achieve their full potential. It is a primary intrinsic drive for every individual to attain homeostasis; according to the researches daily practice of mindfulness and happiness helps achieve internal homeostasis. To study the effectiveness of extracurricular activities on the youth, 120 college students from India were taken as the sample group. Experimental group has youth who participate in extracurricular activities throughout the year, while the control group has youth who do not participate in any kind of activities. Extracurricular activities include sports, art, dance, music and theatre. Happiness and mindfulness will be measured through ‘Oxford Happiness Questionnaire’ and ???Cognitive and Affective Mindfulness Scale-Revised??? respectively. The predictive findings suggest that extracurricular positively impacts on the happiness and mindfulness level of a youth. Hence, college and school facilitators are advised to encourage their students to participate in organized extracurricular activities

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