Iatrogenic obstetric causes of genitourinary fistula increasing prevalence
3rd Indo-Global Summit & Expo on Healthcare
October 05-07, 2015 New Delhi, India

Ahmed Al-Badr

King Fahad Medical City, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Posters-Accepted Abstracts: Health Care: Current Reviews


Urogenital fistula has always been a distressing condition for women and their physicians. Fistulae have been attributed to prolonged and obstructed labor or obstetric trauma in developing countries. However, hysterectomy or pelvic surgery accounts for vast majority of cases in the developed world. Upon reviewing genitourinary fistula cases referred to KFMC, we found that 75% were obstetrical surgical complications and 25% were complications of different types of hysterectomy. Among the obstetrical complication cases, 66% resulted from complications of cesarean section and 34% from other obstetrical complications. Cases were 56% vesicovaginal fistula, 25% vesicouterine fistula and 19% vesicocervical fistula. Hence, most of the genitourinary fistulae seen in our region were of iatrogenic obstetric etiology, mainly cesarean section with none of the cases due to obstructed labor unlike fistulae in developing countries or developed countries fistulae (iatrogenic gynecologic origin).

Biography :

Email: aalbadr@alumni.utoronto.ca