Hypnosis in endodontics
23rd Annual World Dental Summit
March 11-12, 2019 | Stockholm, Sweden

Ali Asghar Noee

Endodontist, Mashhad, Iran

Posters & Accepted Abstracts: Dentistry


Hypnodontics is the art and science of using hypnosis to induce comfortable and pain free dental visits. One of the most anxiety inducing treatments in dental office is root canal therapy. Apical surgery creates even more anxiety for patients. Anxious patients take extra time and require special consideration by the dentist and the staff. Hypnosis can easily alleviate the tension, nervousness and unreasonable fear of pain often exhibited by these patients and induce anesthesia so that less medication is used. Hypnosis can also help to achieve better homeostasis during surgery. Another problem that a patient may bring to the dentist is that of gagging as anything is inserted into the mouth. Unless controlled, the gagging can make dental procedures difficult or impossible. Hypnosis is a very effective means to completely eliminate the gag reflex. Other uses of hypnosis for dental patients include: Accustoming the patient to orthodontic or prosthetic appliances, Modification of unwanted dental habits, such as bruxism, Substitution for, or in combination with, medication for general anesthesia, Control of mouth opening; Control of tongue movements; Control of salivation, and Control of spasms of the jaw muscles. Generally hypnosis is a less expensive to general or conscious sedation and when a patient is relaxed and calm, the procedure goes more smoothly and more quickly. In addition, hypnosis can enhance memory of a pleasant visit to the dentist. In this lecture some patients who received root canal therapy by using hypnosis will be presented with their videos.