Zil-E-Rubab, Saeeda Baig, Uzma Zaman and Mohammad Haris Lucky
Ziauddin University, Pakistan
Posters & Accepted Abstracts: J Clin Res Bioeth
Aim: To find out the association between human papilloma virus (HPV) genotypes 16/18 in Pakistani patients with oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC). Methods: DNA from oral rinse of 300 subjects was taken. The subjects included 100 cases with OSCC and 200 controls. Samples were analyzed by both conventional and real time PCR using HPV consensus Gp5+/Gp6+ and HPV 16, 18 specific primers. Results: Out of 300 persons, 74/300 (25%) were found to be infected with HPV: 46/100 (46%) from cases and 74/200 (14%) from controls. The distribution was: HPV16, 6/300 (8%): 4/100 (9%) from OSCC group and 2/200 (8%) from controls while HPV 18 was 9/300 (12%): 5/100 (11%) from cases and 4/200 (16%) from controls. Out of 300 subjects, 26 (35%) were infected by both HPV 16/18 23 (50%) from cases and 3 (12%) from controls. Persons who were infected with HPV 16&18 had higher chances to develop OSCC as compared to those who didn???t have HPV 16/18 (AOR: 21.4, 95% CI: 5.73 ??? 80.8). Conclusion: The exposure to high risk strains of human papilloma virus (16/18) in combination can be fabricator of trouble (p<0.001, adjusted odds ratio; 21.42) in OSCC.
E-mail: zile.rubab@zu.edu.pk